This week into next will be the best of my life. Why? I have 6 photoshoots this week, two next week (and one of those being with the love of my life!) Drake needs new promotional pictures and I'm going to be taking them! I'm so excited. I get my computer today, my camera tomorrow. Things are just looking up for me and I'm having so, so many doors opening left and right. I've decided to just let things happen, let life happen. If I wait it out instead of being impatient and demanding, it will happen and then some. It's been a blessing really. I've always been an impatient person *and still am for the most part!* but when you let things happen on their own/let life take its course, you'll find out that things work out for you better than expected. Try it! If anything, it'll take a lot of stress off of your shoulders, I promise. I got on the scale the other day, I've lost5 lbs in two weeks! I've been extremely
busy lazy over these past few days so I doubt I've lost anything. I've found a miracle worker for my cravings, be looking for the post tomorrow if you're wanting to lose a few extra pounds but crave chocolate/fatty foods left and right! Anyway, have a beautiful Monday.
With Love,
Lauren Ashley
I'm finding apple juice curbs my cravings.