Friday, January 14, 2011

It's Friday!

Thank goodness it's finally Friday! I got some bad news this morning, in fact they even called my mom (which they're legally NOT supposed to give out the information to anyone.) and told her about my emergency. My blood/INR (pro-time) level is 5.1 The average persons' blood is .8-1.0 and someone on blood-thinner is generally 2-3 (also meaning it's 2-3 times thinner than the average persons) and mine, as of today at this moment, is 5.1 That being said, I'm on strict bedrest for the next few days. Doctor and Dr. Drake (well at leas he's putting his doctorate to good use!)'s orders. I'm working on a little project though! I did some major shopping yesterday and finished it up just a bit ago and now I'm going to sit in bed, watch TV, and work on my project. I'm so excited!

Also, I'm thinking about doing sponsoring in return for sponsoring, or, sister spots! I'll post your button on my page, and you'll do the same for me! If you're interested, please comment below. 

Also, add me on Facebook!!/laurenashleyftw

Day 14.

I purchased these cute little things at Dirt Cheap. They were 90% off... so, 50cents a piece! Why did I get them? Because they're japanese (like Drake) and when me and Drake have a baby this is EXACTLY what it's going to look like, no joke. Hahaha. Plus, I love mice/rats. I thought it was too funny/cute to pass up, so I purchased them both! Maybe someday our baby girl will be able to play with them. :)

Love, Lauren Ashley and Drake

1 comment:

  1. I hate to hear that you're not doing well. Wishing you all the best and that you get better soon! I would love to place your button on my blog love list! Let me know. :)
