Faith is a very powerful force in this life which helps us to advance and move forward into the future and into our destinies. Whatever your beliefs may be about this life and this existence of ours rest assured that faith has always played a vital and integral part of your daily life. Faith is hope. It is the belief that all things are in order, working about for the good of you and all around you. It is positive hope. Keeping us rooted and grounded in the fact that we have a very beautiful purpose. Whether you view faith or not in your life, I want you to know that faith has always viewed you. It has been the quiet source of comfort for you in times of adversity and pain, and it has helped to develop within you a quiet, inner resolve to move forward. Have faith in love. Have faith in those around you whom you love. Have faith in yourself, knowing that you exist here for a very beautiful purpose. Keep the faith.
I mentioned yesterday that I was going to be making some headbands. I sat down and completed all of them last night! I'm very proud of myself. Once I get my new debitcard they'll be put up on a brand new Etsy account!
Also, if you're interested in doing a sponsor for sponsor, let me know! Be sure and comment below. :)
Day 15.
I started a project yesterday, and I finished it... yesterday! It was a spur of the moment idea that I acted on and I'm happy with the outcome. I'll be selling them in a week or two and I'll have better pictures then. :)
Love, Lauren Ashley and Drake
lovely post. you are a pretty soul