Determination is a word that we each could hope to understand a little better. I speak for myself and say that within the past week I have seen the importance of determination like never before. Sure there are times when we feel like giving up and throwing in the towel, but the prize ahead is always worth the struggle. Whatever situation you may be facing today let me encourage you to be a little more determined. Perhaps the road is a little rougher than usual and perhaps the stress is a little uncomfortable. The pain is part of the process and you're coming through beautifully. Don't give up. Don't stop. Never think the prize ahead isn't worth the pain. You can make it if you just keep your spirit of determination. You're almost there!
Oh and hello new followers!
Well, today I go to the hospital for blood testing. I have a feeling that my blood is dangerously thin. I keep having nose bleeds and for the past two weeks nothing but blood has come out of my nose whenever I blow it (which I have to do several times a day, because it builds up and clogs my nose up.) Things have been hard lately. I think that I have MPD. I know that I have depression/anxiety, but maybe I'm confusing anxiety with MPD. It's known as DID now, but whatever. I'm determined to get through/over it though. I just need to get myself into a therapist, but I can't until things are settled down. Everything in Drake's home-town has been shut down for the past week now because of the snow so everything we've had planned is pushed back for yet another week. I can't lie, it's been rough... but I'm determined to get through it and over it.
Well, today I go to the hospital for blood testing. I have a feeling that my blood is dangerously thin. I keep having nose bleeds and for the past two weeks nothing but blood has come out of my nose whenever I blow it (which I have to do several times a day, because it builds up and clogs my nose up.) Things have been hard lately. I think that I have MPD. I know that I have depression/anxiety, but maybe I'm confusing anxiety with MPD. It's known as DID now, but whatever. I'm determined to get through/over it though. I just need to get myself into a therapist, but I can't until things are settled down. Everything in Drake's home-town has been shut down for the past week now because of the snow so everything we've had planned is pushed back for yet another week. I can't lie, it's been rough... but I'm determined to get through it and over it.
Hi Lauren! Thanks for your sweet comment!
ReplyDeleteP52 is just one photo a week. I heard about it on The Curious Pug's blog and I thought it would be much more manageable for me. Just a simpler challenge of the same kind.
Wow that stinks. I hate when my favorite clothes get holes in them. They are never the same afterwords even if I try to fix them!
raah i hate crotch holes! haha it seems to be the only place my pants ever rip :S