So, it's been a good week so far. Yesterday I did a photoshoot, worked out, made headbands, bought a load of frames for my art sale this weekend, and then finally crashed. I'm still sore and very tired! I'm so excited for my sale this weekend. If I don't sell them all, I'll have my pictures at an all-time low price. I'm almost halfway to my goal for a new computer. I'll also put my headbands on sale, too! Anyway, I need to get back into blogging. It's been hard for me to sit down and concentrate lately, but I promise you I'll get back into it soon.
Pics from yesterday.
Awe...this photoshoot looks great! That baby is just adorable. I can't wait to see your headbands! By the way, I may be confused, but are you in Birmingham yet? If you are...are you going to the craft festival in Tuscaloosa? Hope you're having a great day! :)
ReplyDeleteWonderful photos!!!!