Thursday, March 10, 2011

..a horrible tragedy. :(

Today, I have to make a sad, sad annoucement. My Macbook was run over today leaving a parking lot. Long story short, it flew off of the roof of the car and into the middle of a BUSY intersection during lunch traffic. I can get 1,000$ from insurance, but I need around 1,000 more to get a new one. As a photographer, this is what I greatly need. :\ If you're looking for some art to hang around your apartment or some cute headbands, I'm selling both. If you want me to lower my price, I'll try and work with you... anything helps though. Also, if you don't have the money you can simply post my Etsy as a blog and a few pictures, that would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you all.



  1. I feel for you! I'm a graphic designer and my computer is going kaput pretty quickly here, of course, I'm broke and I'm frantically trying to save money to replace my beloved mac book!

    Good luck!!

    - Carly

  2. Thanks for the comment over on my blog!

    For us creative folks, there's nothing quite like a mac. I'm gonna have to suck it up and dip into some special travel savings to get a new one. Sad day. The fate yours suffered was a quick and unfortunate end. I feel for you. Mine seems like it's been dying slowly for a year now. It is at least 5 or 6 years old, so it's a little old lady in computer years.
