Friday, February 18, 2011

Oh, cloudy weather....

Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like nothing is going right and you just feel icky? Well that's me today. My vision is blurry, my mood is way, way, way down, and I just feel alone. To top it off I've had my TV stuck on Lifetime all day during this cloudy dreary day. I guess I'm asking for it, right? Anyway. Drake has been busy all day doing stuff. I've been pre-occupied with myself. So we haven't talked much today,which sucks. I realize that I don't really talk to anyone anymore. I only text him, I only talk to him on the phone, and if he gets on Facebook chat, I only talk to him. So when we're not talking I'm emo and alone basically. I think tomorrow I'll go to Starbucks and have some me time! Enough with the emo-ness. I want to meet interesting bloggers, people, and whatnot. I need to get my blog out there! I think I'll hold a contest for my blog, yeah? Maybe that's what I'll do tomorrow! Well, back to my Lifetime-bedhogging-sleepy-bedheadedself.

Love, Lauren Ashley


  1. its hard not to get all wrapped up when you have a boyfriend but make sure you make time for you and reconnect with old friends, it's important to have your own lives too. I've been feeling pretty down myself and i feel really lonely lately so i def can relate

  2. (Totally off topic...but congrats on winning the gift card from our giveaway! Have fun!)
