I made a bet with Drake over who will win the superbowl. Granted I made my demands clear on what I wanted it the Steelers won, Drake didn't until he realized the Packers were winning. (haha) I love him to death though. This week is going to be the start of our life. I can't legally go into detail, yet. It's going to be amazing and life-changing though. I'm excited! Tomorrow marks 7 days until Valentine's Day. This will be my first I get to actually celebrate. I can't wait to see what Drake has in store, but I DO know that I have some good things in store for my readers! I'm going a countdown of love-related blogs (this is for you single readers too!) so be sure and check back!
IloveyouDrake. :)

I do know, and I know that I love you. Thank you for everything.