Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hello Again Old Dreams!

Hey it's Drake, and Lauren Ashley wanted me to write today while she's busy with her new website.  I hope that everyone has been well out there and that you've all been with friends, listening to great music, holding hands, and drinking great coffee.  I'm so proud of Lauren, like always.  She's had so many open doors this week with her photography, and it's so amazing and inspiring.  It's great to see that life has the most unusual way of working out even when we least expect it.  Like me, Lauren is a music lover, and now that she has the chance to do something that will involve both music and her photography, she has the perfect door opening up.  You know, it never ceases to amaze me how funny life can be, when it brings our old dreams back to the forefront again, so unexpectedly and unusually.  The things that we may have forgotten about or have given up on, have never really forgotten about or given up on us.  They linger, in a sense.  Our dreams are always there.  All "creeper" like, lurking in the shadows, waiting for us to notice them again.  Today, remember to take notice of your old dreams that maybe you've forgotten about.  Sure it's been a long time since you've noticed them, and maybe you haven't had the time to pursue them, but they've missed you.  They'll be so glad to see you again.  Remember, when you meet with them again, be sure to give them more time and pay more attention to them.  They'll be so glad that you did, and they just might become a larger part of your life, if you let them.  Focus on what you want.  Remember what you've dreamed about.  Most of all, prioritize and enjoy the experience of it all.  You'll be glad that you did.  Carpe Diem.


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