"To thine own self be true." - William Shakespeare
Years ago while doing lectures in the southeast, I once met a very young couple, just married, and the glow of love was upon their faces. They were enchanted with each other. He held her hand as they sat together in the audience, and she looked at him with an adorable smile that he seemed to love. After I concluded my lecture, appropriately on the topic of "Love," they came forward and I had the chance to speak with them for a moment. I've always loved meeting people and getting into their world, learning more about them. "When did you first know that you loved each other?" I asked the question to gain further insight upon the idea of love and what it means to truly love. "I knew before he did," she said. "I just seemed to know." What they shared next was a phrase that has stayed with me to this very day, and I will never forget it as long as I live. "Why do you love each other?" He astonished me by replying, "I love her for me." It was one of the most simple yet powerful things I had ever heard, and I believe it to be so true. Think about it. Isn't that what we truly do? Isn't love really a gift that feels so good to give away? Sure we love those within our lives because of the amazing way that they act and because of the often quirky things that make them so incredibly damn endearing to us, but ultimately, isn't it because it makes us feel better in our own lives? We feel so much more beautiful when we love. When we give it away. When we see them as they are, complete with their many imperfections and choose to love them anyway? I'll never forget my first time with Lauren Ashley and the way that her hair looked in the lights of that distant parking lot. It was adorable the way that her tiny feet made her seem as though she was walking on air, and to this day I don't think anything has ever sounded so precious as the way she said, "I'll have a sweet tea with light ice, please." I don't know why I remember that so well, but I always will for some reason. It was endearing. You see, love causes us to view even the most simple and seemingly insignificant things as if they're Heavenly or otherworldly. Sure, we give love away because we want and need them to know how amazing they are, but we also love for ourselves, and there is nothing wrong with that. It is truly an amazing feeling. Today remember to remind that amazing person of the way they make you feel. Guys, never be afraid to share your thoughts and feelings, and remember to always remind her of how incredibly special she is. Remember to remind them how they make you feel. It's so important. It's beautiful.
Day 25.
Fried cheescake? It was semi-good
Day 25.
Birthday dinner.
Day 25.
"Adult" hawaiian punch = omnomnomomojoomom.mlkdsajf.
Day 26.
I had so much fun with Rachel today. :)
Love, Lauren Ashley and Drake
hello! I just recently found your blog, and I love it! This post is so lovely, I'm not Loving Love at the moment (marriage break up) but I still could see the beauty in your words.
ReplyDeleteWe're so glad that you've found us! Stay strong and be inspired! - Drake