Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday Favorites!

So, Drake is in the works of something major. That's all I can say for now! Stay tuned though, it'll be worth it! I'm excited to say that my mood/mentality is stable today! I think today will be a good day. Crossing my fingers that it will be! Anyway, IT'S FRIDAY! I'm going to do a Friday Favorites! It's been forever since I've done one. Enjoy!

1. Candles. I love, love, love candles. I like the way they glisten and how the fire dances around with life. I like the way they light up a dark room with such a beautiful glow of ambience. Most of all, I like the way they smell. I don't know why, but having one single candle lit can change my whole mood and relax me. Maybe I'm weird? Meh, go figure. =)

2. Coke zero. I can't have sweets anymore really, so I'm having to switch over to diet on a lot of things. I decided to get Coke Zero and give it a try instead of going towards Diet Coke, Diet Dr. Pepper, Diet Sprite, etc. Surprisingly, it's pretty good! It's diet, zero everything except for sodium. It tastes like either RC Cola (if any of you know what that is!) or Pepsi. Yeah, more like Pepsi. It doesn't really taste Diet though! I do know it tastes a heck of a lot better than Diet Coke does!

3. Scary movies. I didn't really like scary movies until I turned 18. In fact, I hated and dreaded them for the fact that they were scary. But now, I love scary movies. I'll sit and watch Syfy and the Chill channel ALL day as long as there are scary movies on. Even the cheesy ones! I love them all! I think Quarantine is my favorite one of all. It's a hard choice though!

4. Photography! Things have really sucked lately with my mood/mental stability and all, but next to Drake, photography has been a major thing in helping me to get better and back on track with life. When I'm taking pictures, nothing else matters except for what I'm doing. It's a way for me to escape into a fantasy world of my own and do what I love the most. 

That's all for this week! If you're interested in sponsoring me, put my button on your page! I'll do the same! If you're interested in going all the way and posting a blog of mine and a little bit about me for vise versa, I'll do the same! I'd love to showcase followers' of mine and get myself out there as well. Please be sure and comment below so that I'll know.

Also, if you're adding me on Facebook please put in a message that you're from the blog because I generally don't add people I'm not mutual friends with because I think they're spam. :)

And last, become a fan of my Photography page!

Love, Lauren Ashley and Drake

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen the original, [rec]? It's awesome <3
